David Liebermann
Multidisciplinary Graphic Design, focused on Digital Technology and Contemporary Web. Future First.
Professor for Intermediale Gestaltung @ Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle w/ Jana Reddemann.
- M.f.A. in Graphic @ HFBK Hamburg, Klasse Grafik, led by Prof. Ingo Offermanns
- B.A. Communication Design @ HS Mainz
Since 2014 I'm running the platform for Contemporary Internet 🌍 http://hallointer.net
- 2020 – 2025 Co-Founder of the design studio Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann which I ran with Maximilian Kiepe and Jana Reddemann.
- 2014 – 2020 Co-Founder of the design studio Liebermann Kiepe which I ran with Maximilian Kiepe.
2012 – 2015 I was part of the satirical design collective Hauptsache Hässlich. w/ Maximilian Kiepe, Yannic
Selected Projects:
- https://peterbehrbohm.net/, website for the artist, engineer, performer, designer, scientist and brilliant storyteller Peter Behrbohm.
- https://kunsthalle.osnabrueck.de/, website for the art hall Osnabrück w/ Jana Reddemann, Anja Kaiser, Franziska Leiste.
- https://ngbk.de/, website for the neue Gesellschaft für bildnende Kunst Berlin w/ Jana Reddemann.
- https://sammlung.kunsthalle.osnabrueck.de/, website for the art in public space collection of the art hall Osnabrück w/ Anja Kaiser, Franziska Leiste.
- https://anorakfilm.com/, website for the film company ANORAK w/ Maximilian Kiepe, Leonard Puhl.
- https://timeshaschanged.liebermannkiepereddemann.de/, Times has changed, new digital specimen for the three axis of our variable font Times New Arial.
- https://unitederrors.com/, no Onlineshop for Peter Behrbohm's chairs from out of space.
- https://lenaschramm.de/, Portfolio page for the painter Lena Schramm.
- https://p-a-r-a.org/, website System for the artist Collective PARA.
- https://diversifythecode.com/, Visual Identity and website for the symposium Diversify the Code by Deichtorhallen Hamburg and Kampnagel.
- https://invite.thehost.is/, microsite, for the exhibition "We Are In Hell When We Hurt Each Other" of Jacolby Satterwhite as special in the collaborative residence program of Deichtorhallen Hamburg and Kampnagel.
- http://davidschiesser.com, Portfolio page for the artist and tattooer David Schiesser.
- https://aintnotrash.com/, website for my favorite vintage design furniture Shop / Showroom / Studio. w/ Jana Reddemann
- https://thetechnate.net/, identity, website / interactive exhibition guide and exhibition design for the project The Technate of the artist collective Flying Holes (Peter Behrbom, Markus Bühler), exhibited @ panke.gallery. w/ Maximilian Kiepe
- https://theaterimdepot.de/, website for the Bochum based theater. w/ Jana Reddemann
- https://ericreh.de/, Portfolio page for the illustrator Eric Reh.
- https://invite.thehost.is/, microsite and poster campaign, for the exhibition "Anything to Declare?" as part of the collaborative residence program of Deichtorhallen Hamburg and Kampnagel.
- http://edwardgreiner.de, Portfolio page for the photographer Edward Greiner.
- https://camp-on-vacation.de/, project website for the contribution of Gruppe ohne Maßstab to Documenta Fefteen. w/ Maximilian Kiepe.
- https://luettville.de/, website and redesign for the children's festival in Hamburg. w/ Jana Reddemann.
- http://silkehohmann.de/, website for the art critic and journalist Silke Hohmann. w/ Jana Reddemann, Sandra Doeller.
- https://thehost.is/, website and visual identity for the collaborative residence program of Deichtorhallen Hamburg and Kampnagel. w/ Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann, Leonard Puhl.
- https://rusch-stiftung.de/, website and visual identity for Rusch-Stiftung, which funds the cultural exchange between Hamburg and Berlin. w/ Jana Reddemann.
- http://polyphonic.museum/, digital museum for sound sculptures.
- https://carefulcarriers.jetzt, multichannel (on) web video installation by Alice Peragine @ Kunstverein Hildesheim. w/ Leonard Puhl.
- https://euro-vision.net/, website for an artistic research project by the artist/architect duo FRAUD (Audrey Samson & Francisco Gallardo). w/ Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann.
- http://cloud-index.cloud/, website for an artistic research project on pollution by Jonas Fischer.
- https://raumplan.hfbk.net/, digital floor plan for the HFBK Hamburg, w/ Jana Reddemann.
- https://janniswichmann.com/, Portfolio page for the guitarist Jannis Wiechmann, w/ Jana Reddemann.
- https://thistooshallpass.site/, website for the project "THIS TOO SHALL PASS" by the artist Emeka Ogboh, w/ Jana Reddemann, Sandra Doeller.
- https://wetteaufdiezukunft.de/, interactive digital/analog exhibition tour through Malte Bartsch's exhibition "Wette auf die Zukunft" @ Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, w/ Maximilian Kiepe, Benjamin Maus.
- https://meyer-riegger.de/, website for the gallery Meyer Riegger, w/ Jana Reddemann.
- https://festival.shortfilm.com/, visual identity and website for the Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg, w/ Jana Reddemann, Laurens Bauer.
- http://hannahsophiedunkelberg.com/, Portfolio page for the artist Hannah Sophie Dunkelberg.
- https://grafikdesigndenkensprechen.com/, visual identity and website for the research project and platform Grafikdesign Denken Sprechen, by Museum Angewandte Kunst FFM, initiated by Dr. Eva Linhart. w/ Sandra Doeller
- https://gloriahoeckner.net/, website for the choreographer and performer Gloria Höckner.
- https://kunsthalle.osnabrueck.de/, website for the art hall Osnabrück w/ Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann, Anja Kaiser, Franziska Leiste.
- https://theillustratedmixtape.com/, website for Benjamin Gottwald's project The illustrated Mixtape w/ Mio Kojima, Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann.
- https://momimadeit.net/, website for the Record Label Mom I Made It w/ Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann.
- http://annaley.de/, website for the Painter, Anna Ley.
- https://atamacias.com/, website for the DJ, founder and concept creator Ata Macias w/ Sandra Doeller.
- Auto Modus (ISBN: 978-3-95476-330-6), catalogue for the artist Malte Bartsch, published by Distanz Verlag w/ Laurens Bauer.
- https://timesnewarial.liebermannkiepereddemann.de/, digital specimen for our font Times New Arial w/ Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann.
- http://cursorfont.liebermannkiepereddemann.de/, digital specimen for our font Cursor.otf w/ Jana Reddemann.
- http://jonasliebermann.de/, portfolio website for my Brudi and 3D artist Jonas Liebermann.
- https://tm.maltebartsch.de/, digital showcase for the network of Malte Bartsch's Time Machine Project, w/ Jana Reddemann, Benjamin Maus.
- http://rundgang.hfbk.net/, 3D archive for the shows at HFBK Hamburg, w/ Jana Reddemann, 3D Model by Jonas Liebermann.
- https://julienvonschultzendorff.com, Portfolio page for the colorist Julien von Schultzendorff.
- http://eliaskurth.net, Portfolio page for the performance artist Elias Kurth, w/ Maximilian Kiepe.
- http://airborneinstruments.eu/, Design Concept and Website for the experimental instrument company Airborne Instruments, w/ Maximilian Kiepe.
- http://sandradoeller.com/, Portfolio page for the design studio Büro Sandra Doeller.
- http://futurecore.de, Design Concept and Website for a dance performance by Gloria Höckner.
- http://fraukeschnoor.de, Portfolio page for the picture editor Frauke Schnoor.
- (Archive View) http://melredmer.com, Visual Identity and Shop/Website for the fashion designer Mel Redmer.
- http://yannicpoepperling.de, Portfolio page for the photographer Yannic Pöpperling, w/ Maximilian Kiepe.
- http://maltebartsch.de, Portfolio page for the artist Malte Bartsch.
- https://urbanekuensteruhr.de, Digital Design Concept and Website for Urbane Künste Ruhr, w/ Maximilian Kiepe, Lamm & Kirch. Variable Font by Dinamo Typefaces, Elias Hanzer.
- http://pm.ud.hcu-hamburg.de/, E-Learning platform for the summer school of the Urban Design Master @ HCU Hamburg, w/ Jana Reddemann.
- http://lemoyneproject.com/, Visual Identity, Design Concept and Website for the Zurich based art space Lemoyne Project.
- http://karlluisvossbeck.de/, Portfolio page for the artist Karl-Luis Vossbeck.
- https://urbanekuensteruhr.de, Digital Design Concept and Interim Website for Urbane Künste Ruhr, w/ Maximilian Kiepe, Lamm & Kirch. Variable Font by Dinamo Typefaces, Elias Hanzer.
- (Offline) https://indienations.de/, Visual Identity, Design Concept and Website for Independent Magazine Festival Indiecon, w/ Maximilian Kiepe.
- (Archive View) http://diebrueder.com/, Shop/Portfolio for die Brueder, w/ Maximilian Kiepe and Guida Ribeiro.
- http://spine-architects.de/, Visual identity and Website for Spine Architects, w/ Carl Kemper.
- http://arnobeck.de/, Portfolio page for the artist Arno Beck, w/ Maximilian Kiepe.
- (Archive View) http://josefalbers.villahuegel.de/, Microsite for a Josef Albers exhibition @ Villa Hügel.
- (Archive View) http://davidschiesser.com, Portfolio page for the artist and tattooer David Schiesser.
- http://hfbk-hamburg.de, Concept and Graphic Design for the site of Hochschule für bildende Künste Hamburg, w/ Jana Reddemann and Stefan Wunderwald
- (Archive View) http://www.hallo-festspiele.de, Concept, Graphic Design and Development for the experimental music festival, w/ Jana Reddemann.
- http://kunsthallerostock.de, Website of the Arthall Rostock, w/ Maximilian Kiepe.
- http://intergraphicview.com, Design and Concept for the website of the research project Inter Graphic View by Klasse Grafik and Prof. Ingo Offermanns, developed by Roman Fischer.
- http://julian-charriere.net, Portfolio page for the artist Julian Charrière, w/ Maximilian Kiepe.
- http://thepressgroup.de, Blog and showcase for the record label The Press Group, w/ Max Prediger.
- (Offline) http://andreamateur.com/, Portfolio page for the illustrator André Amateur.
- http://maxgeisler.de, Portfolio page for the artist Max Geisler.
- http://lisameinen.de/, Portfolio page for the photographer Lisa Meinen.
- (Offline) http://ud.hcu-hamburg.de, CI and Website for the Urban Design Master @ HCU Hamburg, w/ Maximilian Kiepe and Hanna Osen.
- http://ingooffermanns.com, Portfolio page for Prof. Ingo Offermanns, w/ Maximilian Kiepe.
- (Archive View) http://profi-studio.eu, Portfolio page for the Profi Design Studio, former WeDo Studio
- (Archive View) http://disziplinaeregrenzgaenge.de, Website and Identity for a Symposium @ HCU Hamburg
- http://klassegrafik.de, Website for Klasse Grafik @ HFBK Hamburg, together with Jana Reddemann and Max Prediger, developed by Roman Fischer.
- (Archive View) http://www.romangysin.com, Portfolio page for the artist Roman Gysin.
- (Archive View) http://sophieschweighart.com, Portfolio page for the artist Sophie Schweighart.
- (Archive View) http://vonzehn.de, Visual Identity and website for the group exhibition "Von Zehn, junge positionen zur Photografie", w/ Julian Mader.
- (Offline) http://benjamingottwald.com, Portfolio page for the illustrator Benjamin Gottwald.
- SS 23 Face 2 Interface @ Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle w/ Jana Reddemann.
WS 21/22 Call to interaction @ HFBK Hamburg, Klasse Digitale Grafik w/ Jana
Reddemann, Maximilian Kiepe.
- WS 21/22 Always under construction @ HFK Bremen w/ Jana Reddemann, Maximilian Kiepe.
- SS 21 World of Webcraft @ HFK Bremen w/ Jana Reddemann, Maximilian Kiepe.
- SS 21 Futurretrosim @ HS Mainz w/ Jana Reddemann, Maximilian Kiepe.
- WS 20/21 From IRL to URL @ HFK Bremen w/ Jana Reddemann, Maximilian Kiepe.
- SS 20 Variable Font Mystery Trip @ HFBK Hamburg, Klasse Digitale Grafik w/ Jana Reddemann, Maximilian Kiepe.
SS 20 Clock Workshop @ Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle w/ Jana Reddemann.
SS 20 @media print @ HGB Leipzig w/ Jana Reddemann, Maximilian
WS 19/20 Inspect Element / Kompaktwochen @ Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle w/ Jana Reddemann.
WS 19/20 Howww to Concept @ HFBK Hamburg,
Klasse Digitale Grafik w/ Jana Reddemann
SS 23 International
@ Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle w/ Jana Reddemann. -
22 Inspect Element @ International Assembly w/ Jana Reddemann, Maximilian Kiepe
SS 21 Howww to Code #7 @ HFBK Hamburg, Klasse Digitale Grafik w/ Jana
Reddemann, Maximilian Kiepe
- WS 20/21 Collect & Connect @ Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle w/ Jana Reddemann, Maximilian Kiepe.
WS 20/21 Howww to Code #6 (From UTL to URL) @ HFBK Hamburg, Klasse Digitale Grafik w/ Jana Reddemann, Maximilian Kiepe
WS 19/20 Artist 4.0 @ HFBK
Hamburg, w/ Jana Reddemann
WS 19/20 Howww to Code #5 (VVV) http://howww.de/cookies @ HFBK Hamburg,
Klasse Digitale Grafik w/ Jana Reddemann
@media print
, Summerschool @ HGB Leipzig w/ Jana Reddemann, Maximilian Kiepe
SS19 Howww to Code #4 (Don't accept Cookies from Strangers). http://howww.de/cookies @ HFBK Hamburg,
Klasse Digitale Grafik w/ Jana Reddemann
SS18/19 Howww to Code #3 (Wild Wild Web). http://howww.de/wildwildweb @ HFBK Hamburg,
Klasse Digitale Grafik w/ Jana Reddemann
- SS18 FUU BAR @ CAA Shanghai w/ Jana Reddemann
SS18 Howww to Code #2 (hdgdlhtml). http://howww.de/hdgdlhtml @ HFBK Hamburg,
Klasse Digitale Grafik w/ Jana Reddemann
WS17/18 Howww to Code #1. http://howww.de/www @ HFBK Hamburg,
Klasse Digitale Grafik w/ Jana Reddemann
@ Weltformat Festival in Luzern (CH).
23 Appointment lecture @ Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle.
@ Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm. (SE)
22 Poster? Poster. Poster! @ International Assembly (UK).
22 Appointment lecture @ AbK Stuttgart.
22 Scroll Bar, lecture performance @ Never Ready Conference, HFBK Hamburg by Klasse Digitale Grafik.
22 Event.preventDefault() @ The Hague University of Applied Sciences (NL).
22 Fun of Use @ UX/UI design knowledge talks, Hasselt University (BE).
@ Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm (SE).
- 21 Performance. Performance! Performance? @ Medienhaus Lectures, UDK Berlin.
- 21 What you see is what you get @ Kunsthalle Osnabrück.
- 21 Color me Badd @ UDK Berlin.
- 21 Read on @ Read on & on, HS Mainz.
- 21 Wild Wild Web @ HS Mainz.
@ Beckmans College of Design in Stockholm (SE).
20 Interactive Web @ Graph Kiosk in Moldova (MD).
, Summerschool @ HGB Leipzig.
- 19 Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? @ Typomania Festival 2019, Moscow Museum (RU).
- 19 Wieso? Weshalb? Warum? @ Typomania Festival 2019, ZiL Moscow (RU).
- 18 Wild Wild Web @ Design Future Conference, CAA Shanghai (CN).
Interviews, Press, Publications:
- Hurra Hurra Podcast Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle, Christian Zöllner.
- Case study of some websites in étapes Magazine 267.
- Very flattering article about Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann @ It's nice that.
- The website we did for Kunsthalle Osnabrück made it to the cover of Page magazine 6/21.
- Interview for the book Digital Underground Volume 1 by Vincent Tavano.
- As Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann we contributed some texts for the catalogue of 100 beste Plakate 2020, designed by Lamm Kirch.
- Interview for the article Stone lettering and variable fonts: What can the future of typography learn from the past? @ It's nice that.
- Interview for the title story of Page 05.2020 about grid systems in webdesign.
- Times New Arial and our Cursor.otf were featured @ It's nice that's.
- Interview at Idea Magazine #388 about the diversification of websites, my practice and hallointer.net.
- The site I did for Frauke Schnoor was featured @ It's nice that's series Double Click.
- The site I did for Julien von Schultendorff was featured @ Page Magazine 01/20.
- As Liebermann Kiepe we were Interviewed by Crazy Cool Developers.
- As Liebermann Kiepe we have had the honor to be featured @ It's nice that.
- With Check It Out we did a Web-Residence for Urbane Künste Ruhr, w/ Maximilian Kiepe.
- 23 The Technate at panke.gallery, w/ Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann, Peter Behrbom, Markus Bühler.
- 22/23 Our website for HFBK Hamburg is part of the exhibition Audio – Grafisch at MK&G, curated by Julia Meer. w/ Liebermann Kiepe Reddemann.